How to Bless Someone: Simple Acts with Divine Impact

Being a natural encourager thinking of how to bless someone typically comes quite easily but that isn’t the case for everyone.
If you’re trying to do this more and looking for some examples, you’re not alone!
I will share with you some of my experiences about how to bless those around you whether it is friends and family or a stranger at the grocery store. We were called to be the light of the world and blessing someone definitely falls into that category.
We will take a look at some practical ways of encouraging those around us and some tools that can help us get creative with other ideas.
The Foundation of Blessing Others
In the quest to bless others, it’s essential we ground our actions in the teachings of the Bible. One of the most compelling directives comes from Matthew 5:14-16, where Jesus teaches us to be ‘the light of the world’ – a beacon that shines for all to see, illuminating the way back to God through our actions and words.
This passage underscores the idea that our good deeds should not be hidden but done in such a way that they glorify our Father in heaven.
Embracing this, we recognize that blessing others is not merely an act of personal goodwill but a command to reflect the love, grace, and mercy that God first showed us.
The essence of blessing others, therefore, transcends mere human interaction and becomes a divine commission to embody the very nature of Christ to the world around us.
Blessing Others Through the 5 Love Languages
Embracing the call to be the light of the world reveals countless opportunities for blessing those around us in meaningful ways. Whether it’s family members, work colleagues, or even strangers, each act of kindness sows seeds of grace.
I remember years ago when I discovered The 5 Love Languages and immediately wanted to know what everyone’s love language was. I figured I was already encouraging and loving people but if I could do it in a way they would actually receive, how much better would that be?
This is obviously more geared towards someone you know. Maybe you know them well like a spouse or close friend. Maybe less well like a co-worker. When you are with people you can start just seeing how they respond when you give gifts or say a kind word.
Sometimes it is funny to see how people respond. I have a friend who is a gifts person and they light up when I give them a gift. The first time or two I gave another friend a gift, they couldn’t have cared any less. Thankfully I know about the love languages so I didn’t take it personally.
Let’s take a look at the 5 love languages and how we can love those in our lives who we are close to.
Physical Touch
This is my number one love language but not with just anyone. I can, however, see that in different seasons in my life when I have low physical touch, I am more prone to depression and have to fight much harder to take my thoughts captive.
Recently, I was sitting in a training. It was the end of the week and we were praying to close out the day and my roommate for the week reached over and just put her hand on my back. I nearly started crying as it had been a long season of very little touch.
You never know what following the Spirit’s direction can do for the person you are blessing. Here are some ideas that you can do for those in your life who love touch:
- cuddle while watching a movie or just chatting
- hold their hand
- a hug (appropriate for the situation)
- a pat on the back or shoulder
- kissing your spouse
- giving a foot/shoulder rub
- a friendly arm around the shoulder when talking/walking
- walking arm-in-arm down the way
- high-fives, fist bumps, handshakes
- helping gesture if someone is in need and allowing them to accept or not
Quality Time
Time is my second favorite. I love sitting down one-on-one with someone and having a deep, intentional conversation. I can do small talk but after a while, I am bored and exhausted.
The thing about quality time is that it isn’t just giving your time to someone but also your attention. The quality part of it is very important. It doesn’t mean the thing you’re doing has to be important, but simply being present while doing it will make someone with this love language feel incredibly loved.
Here are some ideas of things to bless someone who loves quality time:
- take a drive and connect over music
- turning off phones and having a meal together
- playing a game – board games, card games, whatever you enjoy
- date night with intentional conversation
- cook a meal together
- take a class – dance or cooking lessons, art class, etc
- have an intentional conversation with no phones or distractions
- working on a project together
- working out together
- doing the mundane like grocery shopping together
The goal for quality time is connection. You can essentially do anything with someone and just give them your full attention. Ditch the phones and work for a while. You’ll be amazed at what happens.
Depending on what type of person you are, you either love gifts or hate them. At least that has been my experience.
Gift people love finding the perfect gift for the person. They know it when they see it or feel it. Then others dread giving gifts because they never feel like they know what to get the person.
The important part, however, is considering your audience. We aren’t thinking of you in this scenario. Think about things that they love. What do they talk about all the time? What makes them light up?
If you just have no idea but think they are a gift person, here are some gift ideas to get you started:
- a gift card to your favorite coffee/tea shop
- buying them their favorite snack
- handmade gifts – I once did a mini storybook for a friend for his birthday
- customizing a gift like a photo album or necklace or something
- gifting them an experience instead of a “thing”
- replacing something that had been lost or broken
- flowers or a candle
- buying souvenirs while on a trip
- a letter or notes around the house or the office
- a journal and pen
The most important thing I would say about this is just to have fun! Gifts can be such a fun way to love people especially when you take the pressure off of yourself to have the “perfect” gift.
Words of Affirmation
Long before I knew of the love languages, I used to loooooove writing encouraging notes to people. I am pretty sure it was God speaking through me long before I believed that He did that.
I would think of a bible verse or something I liked about them and write a card. Words are free and can touch people deeply. Here are some of the ways that I use words of affirmation in my life:
- wishing someone a happy birthday – celebrate that they are in the world
- writing a letter or note telling someone what you think of them
- a text during the day saying you’re thinking about them
- reminding them of who they are – “you got this!”
- expressing gratitude for who they are or something they have done
- telling someone their strengths when they have forgotten
- apologizing and asking for forgiveness or forgiving someone genuinely
- looking them in the eyes and telling them you love them
- telling a co-worker they did a great job on a project
- saying hello and smiling to a stranger
Acts of Service
Last but not least, we have acts of service. This seems like the most obvious of the ways to me most of the time. I realize this isn’t the case for everyone, however.
That being said, some of these ideas will be questions to help you think through ways to serve others. This is something you can easily do for everyone. Here are a few ideas on how to serve others:
- cook a meal during a busy or difficult season
- taking care of a simple task in their day-to-day that needs to be done
- making them a cup of coffee/tea – my dad still does this for my mom every single morning
- help a friend move
- watch a friend’s children while they go out on a date
- help a co-worker finish a task or project
- bringing medicine to someone when they are sick
- fill up your spouse’s car with gas
- bring or prepare lunch for a friend, partner, or colleague
- holding open the door for someone with their hands full
Encouraging those you may not know as well
The 5 Love Languages works well if it is someone you know well. But there are many people that we can and should love that we don’t know well. Here are some ideas for other people in your life:
- The Old and Sick: Visit them, bring them gifts, or simply make a phone call. Your presence and attention can bring immense comfort and joy.
- Church Members: Volunteer your time, donate resources, or offer to pray for individuals personally. Spiritual support strengthens community bonds.
- Work Colleagues: Acknowledge their efforts, collaborate with positivity, and support their professional growth. An encouraging work environment fosters productivity and unity.
- Strangers: A simple smile, a kind word, or helping out in a small way can light up a stranger’s day. Showing kindness to someone you don’t know is a pure act of love.
- Those You May Not Like: Extend forgiveness, show respect, and offer kindness. It can break down barriers and sow peace in unexpected places.
- Children: Spend quality time with them, teach them valuable life skills, and encourage their dreams. Investing in children builds a better future.
Remember, the essence of blessing others isn’t about grand gestures, but in the everyday expression of love and kindness. As we make these actions part of our daily routine, we truly become the light of the world, shining God’s love into the lives of those around us.
This feels incredibly important to me as I remember Jesus talking to His disciples telling them that the world would know who’s disciples they were based on their love for each other…that feels like a tall order in a world that continues to be more divisive and less loving by the second.
What if we chose to love well? What if our love for each other and those around us was truly patient and kind and kept no record of wrongs?
What if our love for the world, the same love that Jesus had for the world, led to blessing those around us without needing anything in return?
Resources to Enhance Your Blessing Efforts
As we have talked about in the last section, The 5 Love Languages is a great resource that has actually been translated into so many different languages. You can also check out his blog for more ideas and notes of inspiration. He has a regular email even where he shares ideas that come from subscribers.
For marriages, one of my favorite relationship gurus is Dr. John Gottman. His stuff is absolutely incredible and practical. One of the things he recommends is that every day, every couple should have a six-second kiss. Yes, please!
He claims that this kiss will build connection, boost fondness and admiration, reduce cortisol, and add to the emotional bank of your partner, among many other benefits.
But he also has a lot of great resources for parents, couples, and singles as well. Some of my favorite books by him for relationships with friends and family:
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert
- Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
- The Relationship Cure: A 5-Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships
- Why Marriages Succeed or Fail: And How You Can Make Yours Last
Other Resources
Blessing others is a journey that requires compassion, empathy, and the right tools. In our pursuit to uplift those around us, we’ve identified some invaluable resources that can significantly enhance your efforts.
Among these, From Small Talk to Real Talk: 100 Questions to Connect & Engage is a free resource I created to kickstart meaningful conversations, facilitating deeper connections and understanding within your community.
You can also join my 30-Day Blessing Challenge. Need a bit of accountability? With this email sequence, you can have an email delivered to your inbox every day for 30 days. Don’t worry, I don’t email that often outside of this challenge.
Embracing these tools can transform your efforts from simple acts to profound blessings, deepening your impact and reaching hearts in a way that truly glorifies God. Let these resources guide you as you continue to be a light in the world, blessing others through your actions and words.
Make it a lifestyle
To truly embody this spirit, it is essential to cultivate a lifestyle rooted in kindness, generosity, and intentional action. Of course, this journey begins with the Spirit’s work in our lives followed by our conscious decision to make “blessing others” not just an occasional act, but a cornerstone of our daily life.
Reflect on your daily routines and interactions, identifying opportunities to share love, support, and encouragement. Whether it’s a warm smile to a stranger, a thoughtful gesture to a colleague, or dedicating time to listen to a friend, every act of kindness plants a seed of blessing.
Intentionality is key in this process. I used to think that if someone had to put something in their calendar or set a reminder for themselves to love me well (I.e. remember my birthday) that they must not really love me. The truth is that we are all human and can’t remember all the things all the time.
Now I know that loving people means actually being intentional to remind myself because I know I will forget. So I put all the birthdays in my calendar and set reminders to check in with friends after a loved one passes away and send a card to someone who is going through a hard time.
Set aside time each week to reflect on how you can actively bless the individuals in your life. Planning specific acts of kindness, such as writing encouraging notes, offering to help with chores, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, can have a profound effect, not only on the one being loved but on you also.
Additionally, keep yourself open to spontaneous opportunities to bless others; sometimes, the most impactful moments arise unexpectedly.
Cultivating a lifestyle of blessing also involves personal growth and reflection. Engage in regular prayer and meditation, asking for guidance on how you can better serve and uplift those around you. Strengthen your relationship with God through Bible study and relationships with others who are on the same path as well as alone time listening to His heart.
By integrating these practices into your life, blessing others becomes more than just individual acts of kindness. It becomes a way of living that not only enriches the lives of those around you but also deepens your own faith and relationship with God.
Embrace this journey with an open heart, and watch as the ripples of your actions spread joy, love, and light in your corner of the world.
How to Bless Someone FAQs
How can I start blessing others today?
Beginning to bless others can be as simple as offering a genuine smile, lending an attentive ear, or extending a helping hand to someone in need. Start with small acts of kindness directed towards the people you encounter daily.
What are some easy ways to include children in blessing others?
Encourage them to draw pictures or write letters for family members or residents of local nursing homes. There is no Jr. Holy Spirit and can be led by Him the same way we can! Invite them to ask God how to love the others around them.
How do you bless someone with words?
This is such an easy way because it is free and can always be accessed. With a stranger, it can be something as simple as complimenting their outfit or hair or how the interacted. With someone you know well, it can be something that you love about them.
Final Thoughts on Blessing Others
Blessing others is not only about the other person. There is something that happens to our own hearts when we step into the love the Father has for His children. When we choose to love someone else, Jesus even describes it like this:
For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you invited Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You? Or thirsty and give You something to drink? And when did we see You a stranger and invite You in? Or naked and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ “And answering, the King will say to them, ‘Amen, I tell you, whatever you did to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25:35-40
There are so many great resources out there for learning to bless and love others well. Whether you read a great book, download From Small Talk to Real Talk, or join the -Day Blessing Challenge, you too can start blessing others well.
I encourage you to make your own list. Things that “feel” like you. Some things come naturally and so it is more helpful to have a list of things that don’t come naturally.
For instance, if you are a words person but not so much an acts of service person, make a list of things you can do for those in your life for when you know someone needs that but you have a hard time thinking of that on the spot.
It makes loving and blessing others so much easier.